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Shop | Lloyd George Medical Note Storage | CQC Compliant Lloyd George File Storage Unit

CQC Compliant Lloyd George File Storage Unit

We supply CQC compliant Lloyd George file storage unit which are designed for use in health centres, doctors surgeries and dentists. Can be supplied in a range of sizes to suit the available space and the number of patient records to be stored. All the secure units have side opening doors, thus allowing the units to be easily accessed and all are locked with a key. The lloyd george storage units are supplied with our fold up storage boxes, thus you are able to purchase the complete secure storage unit. These health centre storage units designed for the safe and secure storage of patient's Lloyd George files comply with the CQC requirements as they enable the patients files to be secured in a locked unit and the files are easily accessible, once the doors are opened. The capacity quoted is based on 23 patient records or Lloyd George files or Lloyd George envelopes being stored in each storage box.

Please note our prices exclude delivery and installation, these vary to location and the number of secure cupboards being ordered. Please call or e mail us and we can advise accordingly. 

Strength:Delivery and installation in central UK is £80 plus VAT